How is mediation completed?

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Although people say forever when entering into marriages, life can get tough. Things change and people change. With all this in mind, divorce may become a possibility. When issues arise in marriage and cannot be resolved, it is important to consider your options. You should not remain in an unhappy situation or an unsafe one. Couples may not be able to live together anymore and share their lives with one another. Due to this emotional time, a divorce is difficult to undergo. Mediation can be an efficient way to work through a divorce. Although mediation is not for everyone, it has great benefits that spouses can experience.

What is the process of mediation?

Through mediation, spouses meet with a third party to settle on issues involved in their divorce. This neutral third party acts as a mediator between the couple. However, the spouses are still given the right to have their attorneys present during the process. The third party will work with both spouses to listen to issues and provide compromises on factors involved in divorce. These factors can include the division of assets, spousal support, child support and child custody. These are all the same factors that are considered during litigation when a judge decides on the matters.

In order to gather information for mediation, financial documents need to be ready so that they can be discussed during the meetings. Make sure to go over your cares and concerns regarding the divorce so that you are guaranteed that all your wishes are being addressed during your sessions with your spouse and the third party. A Settlement Agreement will be made to outline all the topics that were discussed and the outcomes decided upon. Upon completion of mediation, the outcome can still result in the formal divorce of the couple.

What are the benefits of going through a mediated divorce?

Through mediated divorces, spouses are able to maintain a level of respect for one another. They will avoid the drama of litigation. If children are involved in the marriage, it may be easier for couples to undergo mediation since it can prevent the children from witnessing arguments between their parents. This can provide a good example for children. They can see that their parents are acting respectfully toward one another and are trying to reach a resolution together.

Mediation allows for privacy during divorce. Couples will not have to enter into the courtroom setting with a judge deciding on their case. Since a judge will not be making decisions on factors involved in their divorce, the spouses will have more control over final resolutions that are made. This may provide them with a more satisfied feeling regarding child custody, support or alimony. During mediation, couples can take as much time as they need. It is done at their own pace. Since litigation can be time-consuming, it may cause it to be more costly due to attorney fees. With mediation, spouses have the opportunity to save money and time.

Peter V. Mandi, Esq. is an experienced divorce and family law attorney located in Bohemia, New York. If you require strong and dedicated legal representation in Long Island, New York, contact Peter V. Mandi & Associates, Inc. today for a free consultation.

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